Hélio Silva


POSITION: Principal Researcher

AREA: Classica

ORCID: 0009-0001-7951-3014

ACADEMIA: Open link


EMAIL: helio-silva@campus.ul.pt

Graduate in Classical Studies by the University of Lisbon/ Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ (under Erasmus programme) in 2005. Followed a 2 years specialization on Neo-Hellenic Language at the University of Athens. Concluded his Masters in Classical Studies – Editing and Translation of Classical Texts, with a thesis with the title 'The Idyll XV of Theocritus: The Syracusans or the women who celebrate Adonis - translation, study and commentary." in 2011. After a hiatus, currently doing a PhD in Greek Literature focusing on ptolemaic propaganda and mythological allusion in Theocritus' Idylls. Has taught various levels of Modern Greek and Portuguese throughout the years.

Interests: Theocritus; Hellenistic poetry; Alexandria; Ptolemaic Kingdom; Idylls; Mythology; Callimachus; Apollonius Rhodius; Egyptology; Greek Linguistics; Epigraphy; Byzantine studies; Indo-european studies

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