Reading the Apologoi: on some scholia to Homer’s Odyssey

[2 part seminar]


Part I [17h15m-18h15 | Sala C.251.A]

The presentation will focus on the medical terminology found in some scholia to the Odyssey of different origin and date, in an attempt to unravel the paths of intersection between the tradition of Homeric exegesis and the development of medical science.


Part II [18h30-19h30m | Sala C.010.B]


The talk will present some of the challenges confronting the editor of the Odyssey scholia, particularly with respect to the new material surfacing in such complex and highly read books as the Apologoi (9-12). Grammatical, mythographic, literary, and allegorical issues will be mentioned, always with an eye to the new elements to be gained through a deeper philological analysis of the evidence.