2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03 FLUL, room C138.B

How does the tradition of an ancient Greek or Latin work or text affect editorial practice? What challenges does a specific tradition raise and how does it impact on the aims and methodologies an editor might pursue and adopt? This workshop aims to explore the above questions by bringing together editors of Greek and Latin works of substantially different textual traditions. It is hoped that the exchange of editorial experiences, in particular the problems and solutions of editors of works of different traditions, can sharpen awareness of methodological issues and generate ideas for better editorial practice.


Gianluca Del Mastro (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), Patrick Finglass (Bristol), Lucia Floridi (Bologna), Robert Fowler (Bristol), Chiara Meccariello (Cambridge), Costas Panayotakis (Glasgow), Antonino Pittà (Catholic University of Milan), Lucia Prauscello (All Souls Oxford), Francesca Schironi (Michigan)

Contact: commentingontextsworkshop@gmail.com

Event Details

Organized By: Centre for Classical Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

More Info: Open File