Over the last few years, Classical Reception as a research-field has attracted the deserved attention of scholars. Nevertheless, certain specific areas, as Classical Reception in music, albeit promising, does not appear to be dealt with as thoroughly as is needed. This teaching programme focuses on several case-studies considered to be representative of different ways of adapting and rewriting ancient texts, myths and motives, especially (but not only) within the European musical theatre from the origins of melodrama as a genre to the twentieth century. Finally, one case of Classical influence, which, albeit mediated by modern European models, originates within a non-European context (Brazil), will be analysed.


About the lecturer

Tiziana Ragno is an Associate Professor of Latin Language and Literature at the Department of Humanities, University of Foggia (Italy). She teaches courses of Reception Studies on Latin culture, Culture in the Roman-Barbarian Age, Latin Literature and European Culture, Didactics of Latin.

In 2004 she earned a Ph.D. in «Scienze dell’antichità classica e cristiana, antico, tardoantico e medioevale. Storia della tradizione e della ricezione [Classical and Christian Antiquities. Ancient, Late-Ancient and Middle-Ages Culture. History of Tradition and Reception]» (University of Foggia). From 2006 to 2021 she was an Assistant Professor of Latin Language and Literature.