David Mesquita


POSITION: PhD student

TEAM: HPRT 6. EPISTEME: Ancient and Early Modern Technical and Scientific Texts

ORCID: 0000-0002-4082-3015

ACADEMIA: Open link


EMAIL: davidmesquita@campus.ul.pt

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and a researcher at the Centre for Classical Studies. My ongoing interdisciplinary project (Philosophy, History of Medicine, Classical and Renaissance Studies), titled "Estêvão Rodrigues de Castro as a 'Liber scriptor neque ex Galeni servis' in the controversies of his time", has been awarded a grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and is being supervised by Professor Bernardo Mota. I earned my BA in Classical Studies from the University of Lisbon in 2018 and, in 2019, I was honoured with the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarship (EMJMDS), participating in the Master CLE (Cultures littéraires européennes) program for the 2019-2021 intake. Since 2021, I hold a double MA degree in Classical Studies, European Literary Cultures (University of Lisbon, 20/20) and Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, and Linguistics (University of Bologna, 110/110 cum laude), after defending my thesis in front of an international jury. I've earned my master's degree under the guidance of Professors Rodrigo Furtado & André Simões (U. Lisbon) and Professor Francesco Santi (U. Bologna & SISMEL), with a dissertation on Medieval Latin Philology entitled "Winter is coming. Homilies and Homiliaries: analysis of a 12th-century winter homiliary in the BML (Plut. 16.41).", also written for SISMEL's (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino) ROME project (Repertorio degli Omeliari del Medioevo). Between 2018 and 2020, and again since 2023, I have been an editorial assistant for 'Euphrosyne – Revista de Filologia Clássica.' Additionally, in 2019, I co-edited the fifth volume of eClassica with Professor André Simões.

Interests: History of Medicine; History of Science; Medieval Latin literature; Renaissance literature; Religious literature; homiliaries; textual transmission; codicology; ecdotics.

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