José Cardim Ribeiro


TEAM: HPRT 3. EPIGRAPHICA: Epigraphy and Linguistics

CV PDF: Open file

ORCID: 0000-0003-2836-1513

ACADEMIA: Open link



Born in Lisbon in 1952, he graduated in History at the Faculty of Letters in that same city. Having chosen Roman Epigraphy and Ancient History as a field of research, namely in the field of religions, he has been actively participating in national and international meetings on these themes since the 1970s, most of the times presenting his own communication. He was part of the organizing committee of some of these meetings. In 1991-92 he was a professor at the “Universidad Autónoma” (Lisbon), where, as part of the Postgraduate Course in Archeology, he occupied the chair “Roman Archeology of the Iberian Peninsula”. From 1997 to 2018 he lectured as a guest at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, where he taught the subjects of "Introduction to Epigraphy", "Epigraphic Reading and Interpretation", "Paleohispanic Religions and Cults", "Religions and Cults of Roman Hispania" and “Pre-Roman Iberian and European Religions”. Author of the museological project for the new Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas (Sintra) and coordination of its installation (1991-1999). Director of this museum and research center from its beginning until 2018. Scientific commissioner of the exhibition “Religiões da Lusitânia” (National Museum of Archeology, Lisbon, 1999-2002). Founder and coordinator of the “Center for the Study of Archeology, Art and Ethnography of Sintra”, from 1980 to 2018. Founder and director of the publication Sintria – Revista de Arqueologia, Arte e Etnografia. Scientific coordinator and technical responsible for the National Dossier for the Candidacy of Sintra for World Heritage (classified by UNESCO in 1995, with the designation of “Sintra Cultural Landscape”). Associate Researcher at the “Center for Classical Studies” of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, since 2007; and of the Archeology Center (UNIARQ) of the same University, since 2020. Member of the “International Council on Monuments and Sites” (ICOMOS), since 1997; of the "Association Internationale d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine" (AIEGL) since 1993; of the "Portuguese Association of Museology" (APOM) since 1985; of the "Association of Portuguese Archaeologists" since 1979. Honorable Member of the Association for the Defense of the Heritage of Sintra. Gold Medal of Municipal Merit awarded by the City of Sintra (2019). Medal of Scientific Merit awarded by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (2020).

Interests: Latin epigraphy; Roman religion; Paleohispanic religions; Lusitanian Language; antiquarian historiography.

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