Di Wu


POSITION: PhD student

AREA: Hispania Latina

TEAM: HPRT 7. SAPIENTIA ASIATICA: Early Modern Latin and Portuguese texts on Asia

ORCID: 0000-0002-0182-4445


EMAIL: di.wu@edu.ulisboa.pt

Learning Chinese is one of the most vital issue that Jesuits have to solve when they arrived China and try to attract those literate elites, therefore, the Four Books, as "Documents for the study of language", has no doubt to be materials to study Chinese. The main analysis lies on the notes made by a Jesuit of the Chinese mission, Francesco Brancati (1607-1671), during the classes in Shanghai, taught by a Jesuit brother of Chinese origin, between 1637 and 1638. During that year The Chinese, who knew Portuguese and Latin, could explain to the priest the central texts of Confucianism, whose study was part of the program for learning the Chinese language and culture of the Jesuits in China. In these classes, Brancati was jotting down his Four Books / Sishu profusely. We attempt to seek answers on how, in the seventeenth century, a Catholic priest from Europe, to mission to China, learned and sought to understand Confucianism; what doubts were posed to him; which points he noted and among which he stressed; did those notes reflect his ideas on if Confucianism might have similarity with Christianity, or whether can make some adaptation on Christianity or not. In short, in addition to a better understanding of the syllabus, these are some of the aspects we will seek to understand with the transcription and translation of this large number of notes made by Brancati in the classroom context.

Interests: Learning Chinese of Jesuits; manuscripts; Four Books (Chinese classical literature)

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