POSITION: PhD student
AREA: Classica
TEAM: MEDIEVALIA: Early medieval Iberian Latin texts
ORCID: 0000-0002-0150-9541
My passion for classical languages began in 1989 when, still in high school, I studied Latin, Greek and had the first contact with what would prove to be my chosen field – patristic literature. After completing my degree in 1996, I participated in the European Erasmus Program in which, under the guidance of professors Joris Vlasselaers (KULeuven) and Hermann Krapoth (Georg-August Universität Göttingen), I had the opportunity to carry out a hermeneutic analysis of the Augustinian concept of Creation in Liber XI of Confessiones. Since then I have been teaching Portuguese and Latin in secondary schools of the Lisbon district, a period during which my academic path was enriched with other areas of knowledge (attendance of a Masters in Philosophy – UCP, 2002 – and specialization courses on mysticism and literature). I regularly participate in meetings on both medieval mysticism (Juliana of Norwich, Hildegard von Bingen, Meister Eckhart) and contemporary (Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Etty Hillesum). I returned to the Academy in 2017 to, under the guidance of professors Cristina Pimentel and Arnaldo Espírito Santo, prepare an annotated translation of De Genesi adversus Manichaeos Libri II and De Genesi ad litteram Imperfectus Liber by Augustine of Hippo. At this moment, as a FCT scholarship holder, I am preparing an annotated translation of De Genesi ad litteram Libri XII, accompanied by a hermeneutic commentary on the concepts Lux, Verbum and Principium within the augustinian reflection on the origin of the universe.
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Alameda da Universidade
1600-214 Lisboa
This site is financed with National Funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), through the projects UIDB/00019/2020 and UIDP/00019/2020.