Rodrigo Furtado

ACADEMIC DEGREE: Phd (with "Agregação")

POSITION: Full Professor

AREA: Hispania Latina

TEAM: HPRT 4. MEDIEVALIA: Early medieval Iberian Latin texts

ORCID: 0000-0002-6720-5030

ACADEMIA: Open link



I am Associate Professor with “Agregação” in the Department of Classical Studies at the School of Arts and Humanities-University of Lisbon. After my BA (History; 1996), I earned my PhD in Medieval Latin Literature in 2006, under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Díaz y Díaz (U. Compostela), a leading authority in Iberian Medieval manuscripts and Visigothic Literature, and Prof. Aires Nascimento (U. Lisbon), the greatest specialist of Medieval Latin Literature in Portugal. I specialized in Late Antique and Visigothic Historiography and in the circulation of Iberian historiographical manuscripts during the Middle Ages. I co-edited several books and published extensively about Medieval Iberian historiography and manuscripts. I was co-PI of a FCT funded Project: CODOLPOR I (Corpus Documentale Portucalense). I am also a member of the Società Internazionale for the Studio del Medioevo Latino / SISMEL and in 2016 I was Resident Researcher in the Casa de Velázquez-Madrid. Currently, I am currently the Director of the Center for Classical Studies-Lisbon, the Director of the Program in Librarianship and Archives, and the Director of the BA in Classics at the U. Lisbon.

Interests: Medieval Latin Historiography; Iberian Historiography; Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages.

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