Valeria Lovato


POSITION: FCT Researcher

AREA: Classica

TEAM: HPRT 2. BYZANTIVM: Late Greek and Byzantine literature

ORCID: 0000-0003-1021-6035

ACADEMIA: Open link



During my joint PhD at the Universities of Turin and Lausanne, I explored the reception of the figure of Ulysses in 12th-century literature, showing how this hero is especially "bon à penser" for the intellectuals of the Komnenian era. While completing my PhD, I also participated in a research project on the reception of Homer in Renaissace Europe, during which I investigated, inter alia, the reception of the Greek and Trojan heroes in the first French "translation" of the Iliad by Jehan Samxon (1519–1530). During a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) postdoctoral stay at the Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark, I focused on Isaac Comnenus, a learned Byzantine prince whose literary production was strictly intertwined with his political ambitions. While still studying Isaac's work, I have recently undertaken a new project on Byzantine conceptions of "urbanitas" (asteiotēs). Having initially been funded by the SNSF, this last project is the subject of my current fellowship at the Centro de Estudos Clássicos.

Interests: Urbanity, asteiotēs, social distinction, reception of classical literature in Byzantium, Homer, authorial self-fashioning, Komnenian Constantinople

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