Vanessa Fernandes


POSITION: PhD student

AREA: Medievalia

TEAM: BYZANTIVM: Late Greek and Byzantine literature

ORCID: 0000-0002-3010-3524

ACADEMIA: Open link



I am a PhD candidate in Classical Studies (2023-2027), with a project funded by the FCT (UI/BD/154560/2022). My research focuses on the formation of emotional connections and the relationship between audiences and the content of Attic Comedy. During my MA, I worked on the reception of Ancient Greek Comedy in declamations produced during Late Antiquity, particularly those of Libanius and Choricius. The thesis and all research produced during my M.A. is part of the "Late Achilles in the Classroom and Court" (LACC) project, also financed by FCT (PTDC/LLT-LES/30930/2017). In addition to my PhD, I have been part of Euphrosyne's editorial team since 2022. Besides handling the journal's email and website, my responsibilities include the overall administration and management of the journal, as well as overseeing the editorial team's workflow.

Interests: Attic Comedy, Aristophanes, Emotions, Audiences, Cognitive Science, Reception, Declamation.

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