Tiago Drummond Borges


AREA: Medievalia

TEAM: HISPANIA LATINA: Visigothic literature and its impact: manuscripts and texts

ORCID: 0009-0003-1059-6899


EMAIL: tborges@edu.ulisboa.pt

Having begun my studies in Latin and Ancient Greek in Hypokhâgne at Lycée Georges de le Tour in Metz, I frequented the Lettres Classiques course at Sorbonne Université where I was further acquainted not only with ancient Latin a Greek texts, but also medieval French literature. I obtained a bachelor’s degree from the University of Lisbon’s Faculdade de Letras in 2022, in Classical Studies, and have continued in this area for my Master’s, dedicating my thesis to the translation and study of Gosuini de expugnatione Salaciae carmen.

Interests: Medieval Latin Poetry, Medieval Latin

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