Knowing is the origin and source of writing well.

Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons.

Horace, Epistles 2.3.309

The eClassica is an annual peer-reviewed journal of Classical Studies. It is the new, digital version of the journal Classica, which was published in print format for twenty-nine years. This journal eClassica aims not only at publishing the work of young researchers but also conference volumes.


DIGITAL ACCESS: All numbers of the eClassica are available via open access at the website of the journal.


YEAR OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 1957-1959 (first series); 1967- (new series) LAST ISSUE PUBLISHED: 7 (December 2022)

PRINT ISSN: 0870-0133

ON-LINE ISSN: 2736-3082

Post Mail Address:
Revista eClassica
Centro de Estudos Clássicos
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
1600-214 Lisboa

Arnaldo do Espírito Santo
Maria Cristina Pimentel
Ana Maria Lóio

Executive Editor:
Gabriel Silva (Centre for Classical Studies, School of Arts and Humanities)

Editorial Board:
Ana Maria Tarrío (Universidade de Lisboa)
André Simões (Universidade de Lisboa)
Carmen Morenilla (Universitat de Valencia)
Cláudia Teixeira (Universidade de Évora)
Cristina Santos Pinheiro (Universidade da Madeira)
Iñigo Ruiz Arzalluz (Universidad del País Vasco)
Isabel Almeida (Universidade de Lisboa)
José Pedro Serra (Universidade de Lisboa)
Maria Alice Costa (Escola Secundária D. Pedro V)
Mireille Armisen-Marchetti (Université Toulouse Jean Jaures)
Nuno Simões Rodrigues (Universidade de Lisboa)
Paula Morão (Universidade de Lisboa)
Paulo F. Alberto (Universidade de Lisboa)
Pedro Braga Falcão (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Rafael J. Gallé Cejudo (Universidad de Cadiz)
Ricardo Nobre (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Rodrigo Furtado (Universidade de Lisboa)
Thomas Earle (University of Oxford)


Articles should be sent in pdf and word format to:
by November 30 of the year before publication. Acceptance notification will be sent to the author before March 31.

By submitting an article to eClassica, the author grants the rights of the work to the journal. When the article is by more than one author, all the authors should agree to grant the rights of the work to the journal.
No royalties will be paid for published articles.

Guidelines for authors

Peer Review

Submitted articles are treated anonymously and each article is assigned a reference number. All articles are submitted subject to double blind peer review. Authors are expected to revise articles in accordance with the suggestions provided by the reviewers. If the editorial board should be in doubt about the publication of an article, a third blind review may be required.

Publication Ethics

Authors are expected to submit original articles. These articles must not be submitted simultaneously to other journals.
The Board and the Editor are responsible for ensuring the quality of the articles. In the case of disagreement between referees regarding a submitted article, the members of the Board and the Editor will discuss the issues involved and make a decision regarding its publication.

The reviewers will assess the articles as objectively as possible and will offer guidelines for revision when necessary.