Knowing is the origin and source of writing well.

Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons.

Horace, Epistles 2.3.309

Euphrosyne has been available in open access on Brepols Online since 2020. To explore the latest issue, Volume 50 (2022), click here. You can also access all previous volumes in our archive on Brepols Online by clicking here.

Euphrosyne welcomes original research articles that offer meaningful contributions to Greek and Roman literature, philology, and culture, Byzantine and Medieval studies, and Neo-Latin Humanism. Classical reception studies are welcome, provided they focus on subjects with a clear Nachleben of Classical, Byzantine, or Medieval authors and themes. Submissions in this area must offer new insights into the ancient and medieval evidence under discussion and highlight their influence or reinterpretation in modern or contemporary contexts.

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